fileBuffer is simple library for uploading multiple files one-by-one. No extra framework required. Download minified version
Property | Description | Default value |
string URI | Upload submit URL | / |
string requestField_File | Form element - uploaded file | file |
string requestField_Filename | Form element - uploaded filename | name |
object fromData | Additional data added to the form with submited file | empty object |
function onSuccess | onSuccess event | null |
function onAddFile | onAddFile event | null |
function onProgress | onProgress event | null |
function onUploadStart | onUploadStart event | null |
function onEmpty | onEmpty event | null |
Array files | Array contains file objects in buffer and its uqId (unique ID) values. Set by readFiles method. | empty Array |
object File currentFile | Contains currently uploaded file. Set by nextFile method. | null |
object XMLHttpRequest XHR | Currently used HTTP Request object. Set by initialize method. | null |
Property | Description |
void initialize(object Settings) | Initialize fileBuffer. Settings contains properties and its values to set. |
boolean readFiles(object FileList) | Add files to fileBuffer. Return true if success, false if empty list passed. FileList object can be received by HTML file input tag or via dataTransfer object. |
int addFile(int uqId, object File) | |
object File nextFile() | |
void initXHR() | |
void upload() | |
void progress(event e) |
Event | Fired when | Description |
void onSuccess(int uqId, string Response) | Uploading of single file finished | uqId contains unique ID, Response contains string returned by XML HTTP Request. |
void onAddFile(int uqId, object File File) | Added files to buffer by readFiles method (fired for every file) | uqId contains unique ID, File contains currently added file. |
void onProgress(int uqId, object Progress) | Changed uploading progress state | uqId contains unique ID, Progress object has following properties: float percent (percent completed), int loaded (currently uploaded bytes), int total (total size of current file). Returning of upload progress must be supported by a browser. |
void onUploadStart(int uqId, object File File) | Uploading of single file starts | uqId contains unique ID, File contains currently uploaded file. |
void onEmpty() | All files uploaded | Nothing to describe ;) |
Red marked properties and methods are for internal use of fileBuffer class.
Loading fileBuffer object
<script src="path/to/filebuffer.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
... and initializing (with onEmpty event)
<script type="text/javascript">
XHR: 'submit.php',
formData: {anyVariable: 'anyValue', ...}
onEmpty: function() {alert('All files uploaded!');}
Now attach fileBuffer to <input type="file"> element:
<input name="file" type="file" onchange="if(fileBuffer.readFiles(this.files)) {fileBuffer.upload(); this.value='';}">
When you select any files (input onchange event), fileBuffer tries to read them. Once succesfully added, file uploading begins and input field is cleared.